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Educational Project for Females Students at Arroub Refugee Camp 2012

In the year 1948, Palestinians have uprooted from twenty cities and about four hundred villages; about seven hundred thousand Palestinians i.e. 66% of the residents of Palestine became homeless; this represented the complete deterioration of the Palestinian society with all its components and bases; it lead to the emergence of a new phenomenon in the Palestinian society which is the Palestinian Refugees Camps that spread in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and neighboring countries: Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon and the rest of the world. One of these camps is Arroub Refugee Camp. These camps which bear witness to the catastrophe, homelessness and uprooting of Palestinians from their lands and homeland symbolize their daily sufferings on all levels: cultural, social, economic, and political. They still exist up till this present moment waiting for a political decision to put an end to their pain and suffering. In the human history there is not any crime which is as brutal as the crime of forcing Palestinians out of their lands in 1948 at the hands of the Zionist gangsters; this was later called the Palestinian Nakba (Setback).

Arroub refugee camp lies in the north of Hebron district. It was founded on the year 1947 after Nakba in the year 1948, under the supervision of UNRWA. It has 9000 people, dividing into 1284 families, all of them are refugees, were uprooted form their homeland in the years 1948, 1967 by Israeli occupation. The camp is very crowded area, 40 meters for each family with an average of 7 persons. The majority of the families are very poor, having a lot of economics problems, and living on the very limited support of the UNRWA who offers the education, the food, and a health center.

Project Details:

Donor: The Lady Fatemah (A.S.) Charitable Trust-London.
Beneficiaries: undergraduate females students in the Palestinian universities living in Arroub Refugee Camp, Hebron, Palestine.
Number of Beneficiaries: 7 persons.
Date of the project: Starting from spring semester-present.
Student’s details: Females Palestinian in the undergraduate stage who will to have their Bachelor degree in different profession to serve their Palestinian people and society, as follows:


Lamia Kawamleh

No. Student details
1 Name Lamia Nafez Zeeb Kawamleh
2 Place of living Arroub Refugee Camp, Hebron, Palestine
3 Family members 9
4 University Al-Quds University
5 Major Business administration

Our sister Lamia is living in Arroub refugee camp, Hebron, Palestine. In the year 1948 her family has beenuprooted from their own village “Zakaria” by the Israeli Hagana. She is living with her big family (8 members) in very bad conditions on the UNRWA very limited support. Her father is unemployed Palestinian, has no work since ten years, during the Israeli closure to the Palestinian territories. She is willing to have her bachelor degree in Business Administration to be a qualified woman with you generous support in order to help her very poor family to take off the ground. Her family is cutting the food off their members to support her education. Al-Quds University tried to help her by giving her some loans, taking into consideration the very bad financial conditions the Palestinian Universities have.

Lamia is asking for your generous support to achieve her goals, “inna lanudeeAAu ajra man ahsana AAamala” (We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds).


Eman Abu Khatab

No. Student details
1 Name Eman Muneer Saed Abu Khatab
2 Place of living Dir Ghassan-Ramallah, Palestine
3 Family members 7
4 University Al-Quds University
5 Major Development Studi

Eman is living in her big poor family (7 members) in Dir Ghassan, Ramallah, Palestine. This village which is surrounding with the Israeli Separation Wall. Her father is working in the Palestinian National Authority with a very limited salary. The family is living in very bad conditions, Eman is the eldest family member, and the others are children who need your generous support to enable this young Palestinian lady to continue her undergraduate degree in developmental studies in order to be a productive community member. Like other Palestinian students Al-Quds University tried to help her by giving her some loans, taking into consideration the very bad financial conditions the Palestinian Universities have.

Eman is asking for your generous support as a Muslem brothers and sisters to achieve her goals, “inna lanudeeAAu ajra man ahsana AAamala” (We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds).


Khitam Ajarmeh

No. Student details
1 Name Khitam Ibrahem Khamees Ajarmeh
2 Place of living Beit Fajjar, Bethlehem, Palestine
3 Family members 10
4 University Al-Quds University
5 Major Applied Sociology

Our sister Khitam is living in Beit Fajjar village, Bethlehem, Palestine. In the year 1948 her family has been uprooted from their own village “Ajjur” by the Israeli Hagana killing the majority of its civilians. She is living with her very big family (10 members) in very bad conditions, taking into consideration that this young student has three brothers in other Palestinian Universities. Her father is an aged unemployed Palestinian. Her mother sold all her jewelry to enable her sons and daughters to continue their undergraduate education. Khitam is a hard working student who has a very good academic performance in her developmental studies. She is willing to continue her undergraduate studies to help her family and her brothers to continue their education as well through your kindest support. Al-Quds University gave her some loans to help her having her Bachelor degree.

Khitam is doing a daily duaas for Allah asking for your generous support to achieve her goals, “inna lanudeeAAu ajra man ahsana AAamala” (We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds).


Fatima Banat

No. Student details
1 Name Fatima Majed Yousef Banat
2 Place of living Arroub Camp, Hebron, Palestine
3 Family members 8
4 University Hebron University
5 Major Elementary Education

Fatima is a very clever student, her academic achievements and records speak for themselves and her academic potentials are highly distinctive. She possesses all the qualities to become a serious scholar as well as an excellent teacher. She is living in a very poor family in Arroub Refugee Camp. Her family has been living in Ajjur village, and they have been uprooted from their own village in the year 1948. her family classified as a hardship case in the UNRWA files, since her father has a mentally weakness, who need a daily treatment and health care. The family is living in miserable conditions. Fatima is the eldest family member who willing to continue her Bachelor degree in Elementary Education as soon as possible in order to help her very poor family, support them and take care of them as well. Your generous supports are highly appreciated for this young Palestinian student, which will have good returns on her, her family and the Palestinian developmental society.

Fatima is praying day and nights asking for your generous support to achieve her goals, “inna lanudeeAAu ajra man ahsana AAamala” (We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds).


Dua Abd-Alhameed Ahmad Grouz

No. Student details
1 Name Dua Abd-Alhameed Ahmad Grouz
2 Place of living Arroub Camp, Hebron,  Palestine
3 Family members 10
4 University Hebron University
5 Major Chemistry

Dua is an intelligent, mature, academically, responsible and highly motivated Palestinian refugee students. Her eagerness to improve herself in all aspects of life is evident to all in the camp and Hebron University. She is living in a very large poor family (10 members) in Arroub Refugee Camp in the UNRAW very limited support. Her father has been jailed by Israelis for five years, when he asked the Israelis to return their original village “Beit Nateef” in which they have been living before the year 1948. the family conditions are very bad, her father is unemployed due to the Israeli discrimination conditions. Dua is parying day and nights in order to achieve her goals as a Muslem human being, to have a very simple right of her “Education” through your generous support to have her Bachelor degree in Chemistry to be an active member in her Palestinian community and a very good supportable to her very poor family.

Dua is asking Allah and you to help her in achieving her future goals, “inna lanudeeAAu ajra man ahsana AAamala” (We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds).


Ro’a aspires to become the first female dentist in Arroub Refugee Camp

No. Student details
1 Name Ro’a Abdallah Ahmed Musalam
2 Place of living Arroub Refugee Camp, Hebron, Palestine
3 Family members 7
4 University Al-Quds University
5 Major Medicine-Dentist

Arroub camp, located on the West Bank of the Jordan River, is a refugee camp housing Palestinian refugees who were expelled from their home villages in 1948.

At present, 1284 families live in the camp, a total of 9000 people. Conditions are extremely crowded with only 40 square meters per person. The average family comprises seven members. Job opportunities are scarce and the main income of most families is the food ration UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, distributes to needy families.

Eighteen-year-old Ro’a AbdAllah Musalam has spent her whole life in these conditions. Her family is originally from the village of Ajjur in central Palestine, 24 km north-west of Hebron. Like all families from this village, they were uprooted in 1948 during the war that led to the foundation of Israel. Since then, they live in
Arroub refugee camp only a few kilometres away from Ajjur.

Many young people would have succumbed to the seemingly hopeless situation and ceased to make an effort. Not so Ro’a: At an early age, she recognized that her only opportunity to better her life was to study diligently. From first grade on, she was among the top ten students in the camp every year. Upon graduation, she was fifth among the students of her class, achieving an average of 94.9 % in her final exam. Ro’a’s older brother Mo’ath had been accepted by al-Quds University
"> department the previous year and her family had sold all valuables to enable their son to study. Therefore, Ro’a knew her family would not be able to pay for her education from her father’s small salary. But she did not want to give up after her brilliant school career and applied to al-Quds University too, hoping that Allah would answer her prayers and she would somehow be able to continue her education. Aspiring to become a dentist, she was overjoyed but at the same time worried when the university accepted her application. Would Allah help her to obtain a scholarship?

Your generous support will help our determined and brilliant sister to realize her aspirations to serve her community and especially women and children as the first female dentist in Arroub camp. “inna lanudeeAAu ajra man ahsana AAamala” (We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds).


Hajar aspires to become the first female physician in Arroub Refugee Camp

No. Student details
1 Name Hajar Hasan Mahmoud Banat
2 Place of living Arroub Refugee Camp, Hebron, Palestine
3 Family members 8
4 University Al-Quds University
5 Major Medicine-Physician

One of the 9000 people living in Arroub camp is eighteen-year-old Sister Hajar Hassan. Sister Hajar’s family was uprooted from their village of Ajjur in 1948. Since then, the family lives in Arroub refugee camp, where Hajar’s father was born and raised in poverty. Lacking any kind of opportunity to strive for a better life, he became a simple labourer, married and had six children.

Arroub camp, located on the West Bank of the Jordan River, is a refugee camp housing Palestinian refugees who were expelled from their home villages in 1948. At present, 1284 families live in the camp, a total of 9000 people. Conditions are extremely crowded with only 40 square meters per person. The average family comprises seven members. Job opportunities are scarce and the main income of most families is the food ration UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, distributes to needy families.

It was in this situation that Hajar had to study, achieving an average of 98.8 % on her high school diploma. Hajar felt that she was now standing on the threshold of realizing her dream to become the first female physician in Arroub camp. Full of hope, she applied to al-Quds University. As expected, the university’s medical faculty immediately accepted this extremely promising young student. However, Hajar’s joy was converted to hopelessness once again when she learned that her fees amounted to 2500 Euro per semester.

The issue in Sister Hajar’s case is not only to assist a very gifted and extremely determined young woman to realize her dream to become a physician. Neither is it to help a poor family to become self-sufficient, or to enable one of its members to pay for a decent education for the other children. The real issue here is to support the whole community of Arroub camp, and especially its women and children, who are in dire need to be served by a female physician.

Assisting Sister Hajar to realize her dream will earn you the prayers of every patient she will treat in the future. Please, do your utmost to empower her to achieve her dream. “inna lanudeeAAu ajra man ahsana AAamala” (We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds).

On behalf of the females students Arroub Refugee Camp people and the society board members, I would like to extend my deepest thanks and appreciation to The Lady Fatemah (A.S.) Charitable Trust for their generous support for our daughters by keep supporting them to enable them achieving their educational goals, which will have very good returns on them, Arroub Refugee Camp, and our Palestinian developmental society.

The Females students have reach this stage not by their efforts alone, but also through your generous support and kindness, may Allah bless you and reward you the Jana, Ameen. “inna lanudeeAAu ajra man ahsana AAamala” (We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds). Sadaga Allah Al Atheem.

With my deepest salaamas and duas,

Professor Bassam Banat,


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