
You are here: Home Projects LCD TV Screens Project for (588) Eager Students at Arroub Camp Preparatory Girls School
Thursday, 22 September 2016 15:59

LCD TV Screens Project for (588) Eager Students at Arroub Camp Preparatory Girls School


In the human history there is not any crime which is as brutal as the crime of forcing Palestinians out of their lands in 1948 at the hands of the Zionist gangsters; this was later called the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe). The contemporary history of Palestinians turns on a key date: 1948. That year, a country and its people disappeared from both maps and dictionaries.

Life as a Palestinian refugee is more than a constant struggle these days after the UNRWA recent decision to stop providing vital aid and support especially the foods for Palestinian refugees in Palestine. The protests against this injustice decision are still going every day since it started one year ago.

All of the camps are overcrowded, they contain virtually no open or green spaces that can be used for recreational purposes or sporting activities. Camp residents are living in small size houses that do not exceed 30 square meters at a rate of two rooms for one family; the housing conditions of Palestinian refugees are also among the worst in the world. The health situation of Palestinian refugees is generally very poor. The statistics of Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (2016) reflects the highest percentage of poverty and the difficult socio-economic conditions in the refugee camps, where 47.5% of the refugee families under risk of poverty, a result of the high unemployment; high fertility rate; the large family size; and the high dependency rate after the UNRWA decision to cut aid to Palestinian refugees.

Despite these conditions, education is highly valued among Palestinian refugees as it provides them with full awareness of the Nakba and a more powerful enemy, perceived as both unjust and oppressive; that retained in their collective memory. Those refugees consider education as their only weapon by which they seek to develop their potentials, interact with others to advocate their just cause and defend it on international arena.

The essential role played by education in the development of backward societies, are much higher than the anticipated economic calculations. Education plays a substantial role in the formation of a higher level of human capital in the society. Education institutions lay the groundwork for the cognitive revolution of knowledge and sophisticated abilities namely, higher levels of human capital which are the main backbone for progress in this century.

Undoubtedly, scholars all over the world proved that school students tend to perform significantly better in a comfortable environment. Availability of school LCD TV screens are one of their most basic needs, that fulfills their aspirations, meet their abilities, preferences and interests. It follows that these educational tools would likely to affect positively the academic achievement of the students.

Project Details:

Donor: International Community.
Beneficiaries: Arroub Camp Preparatory Girls School, Hebron, Palestine.
Number of Beneficiaries: 588 students.
Date of the project: Thursday, September 22, 2016.
Student’s details: 588 eager students from fifth stage-ninth stage, each stage divided into three classes, for the academic year 2016/2017, as follows:

No. Class Section Student Number
1 Fifth A, B, C 114
2 Sixth A, B, C 120
3 Seventh A, B, C 124
  Eighth A, B, C 122
4 Ninth A, B, C 108
Total   588

Project Package:

No. Type Number
1.   LCD TV Screen 2
2.   Handles 2
3.   Covers 2


Upon the completion of this educational charity project and on behalf of our youth, Arroub Camp Preparatory Girls School, the refugee people and the HRS-Humanitarian Relief Society board members I would like to extend my deepest thanks and appreciation to the International community for their generous support. we have reached this point not by our efforts alone, but also through their kindness support, may Allah bless you and reward you the Jana, Ameen. “inna lanudeeAAu ajra man ahsana AAamala” (We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds). Sadaga Allah Al Atheem.

Thank you in advance,

Professor Mahmoud Hammad


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