
You are here: Home Appeals Micro Finance Project of Five Pregnant Goats for Saed: A Palestinian Down syndrome, Orphan and his Mother 2012
Saturday, 28 July 2012 00:00

Micro Finance Project of Five Pregnant Goats for Saed: A Palestinian Down syndrome, Orphan and his Mother 2012

Saed is twenty three years old and lives with his aged mother in Arroub Refugee Camp, Hebron District, Palestine. Saed and his mother live in a small room that lacks the most basic amenities. In the summer, Saed and his mother greatly suffer from the heat, he usually sleep outside (beside the stairs), while their room is very cold in the winter. This very needy family have no income. To survive, they rely on the UNRWA food ration, which is insufficient, and on assistance from charitable individuals.

To make matters worse, Saed suffers from severe mental and physical handicaps since birth (Down syndrome). He is in need of medical supervision and medications. Saed’s father passed away years ago. His mother is in her sixties and suffers from hypertension and other age-related ailments for which she needs to take medications.

As the photos show, despite his living conditions, Saed is always cheerful and his smile never leaves his face. Also, Saed is a sociable person who loves to participate in his community activities.

One of Saed’s brothers lives next door with his family. While he and his wife keep an eye on mother and brother, he cannot offer any financial help because he has to provide for a family of five persons.

Dear HRS donor,

In order to achieve lasting improvement of Saed and his mother’s living conditions, the family asked to be given five pregnant goats. Goats have a gestation of about five months, so that baby goats will be born pretty soon. Then, the family (as well as the baby goats) would benefit from the rich and very healthy goat milk, from which butter and cheese can be made and sold. The baby goats can be fattened and will fetch a good price on the market. Female goats can produce two litters per year, with up to four kids per litter. With these attributes, five female goats will constitute a reliable source of income for Saed and her mother to keep them survive as a human beings. They will then be able to purchase medications and diapers, visit the doctor when they need to and little by little, purchase other items they need. “inna lanudeeAAu ajra man ahsana AAamala” (We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds). Sadaga Allah Al Atheem.

With my deepest salaamas and duas,

Professor Bassam Banat,


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