
You are here: Home Appeals Urgent Appeal for a cochlear implant operation for a very needy dumb and deaf child Iman Haitham Mahmoud Musalam
Saturday, 28 July 2012 00:00

Urgent Appeal for a cochlear implant operation for a very needy dumb and deaf child Iman Haitham Mahmoud Musalam

Our daughter Iman is twelve years old and lives with her needy family in Arroub Refugee Camp, Hebron District, Palestine. Her family has been uprooted from their original family “Ajjur” in the year 1948.

Iman is a dumb and deaf child since born, she is a student at “Eftaph” special needs school in Bethlehem. She is very clever, very active and social student, as her teacher sister said. Iman is staying in this school for ever, since her needy family can’t do anything for her taken into consideration their daily bad conditions, since her father Haitham is a simple employee in the PNA with a very limited salary, and her mother Mariam is a house keeper. Her family consists of six persons.

To make matters worse, Iman suffers from severe handicapped since birth, she is totally dumb and deaf. But the very good thing that Allah gave her that is differ from any other cases, since she has a very good expressive language capabilities which can be solved by an urgent operation to implant cochlear (See the medical report please) wit a costly of JD 6500.

As the photos show, despite her living conditions, Iman is always cheerful and her smile never leaves her face. In order to give a new life for this dumb and deaf child an urgent operation is required immediately, and her school can’t offer her more than the study issue, telling the parents that they should seek for external aids.

The dumb and deaf Iman is calling all the honest, generous Muslims brothers and sisters to support her to achieve her humanitarian and medical case, “inna lanudeeAAu ajra man ahsana AAamala” (We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds). Sadaga Allah Al Atheem.

With my deepest salaamas and duas,

Professor Bassam Banat


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